Havakustik offers consultancy in the design, development and use of marine sound sources in regard to both acoustic imaging and also acoustic environmental impacts. Robert has a degree in Physics from Oxford University and a Ph.D. in the modelling of marine geophysical sound sources from Imperial College, London. He worked at Schlumberger's research laboratory in Cambridge for 25 years and is now semi-retired. Robert has, in recent years, advised either professionally or pro bono: the E & P Sound and Marine Life Joint Industry Programme, Reflection Marine A.S., the University of Louisiana, the University of Exeter, and TNO.
Invitation to sponsor research on low frequency noise at the sea bed
The following 'lock-down' talk was given at the EAGE marine data acquisition workshop in 2020. It is about a novel method for removing the ultra low frequency noise that affects ocean bottom pressure sensors. If you would like to engage Havakustik to develop this idea please get in touch. The idea is not subject to any IP restrictions. It could be tested using just one ocean bottom pressure sensor and one wave-height sensor. It would not need a sound source - just some rough weather.
It is left as an exercise to the student to spot the obvious typographical error on slide 8.
Recent publications to which Havakustik was a contributor